We can help you design your optimum roller compaction product. We simulate the roller densification process to generate data on small amounts of powder. This is especially useful if material is in short supply or there are time constraints.
Measure key density and compression factors to guide your development process.
We can help you design your optimum roller compaction product. We simulate the roller densification process to generate data on small amounts of powder. This is especially useful if material is in short supply or there are time constraints.
Compacts will be made at a different thickness and forces over the range of interest. For roller compaction, this is in the region of 0.5-0.7 solid fractions. The relationship between compact solid fraction and tensile strength is known as compatibility and is the most useful measure to compare the quality of different formulations and to determine if granules have a chance of being successfully compressed into tablets.
Dry granulation methods are important for the creation of materials with suitable flow and density properties for tabletting. The quality of the final tablet is dependent upon the properties of the granules, in particular, the porosity of the ribbons produced.
The compaction simulator can be used to simulate a roller compactor, using small batches of intragranular blend. The blend is compressed using a punch speed designed to mimic compression between rollers. The compacts or ‘simulated ribbons’ are assessed for compact quality parameters. The information can be used to advise roller compaction manufacturing.
The compaction simulator can be used to prepare small numbers of compacts of known density to create simulated ribbons. They can be roughly milled to form granules. The ability of the granules to form tablets can be measured using high speed testing methods. A formulation assessment at multiple granule solid fractions can be made with as little as 50-100g of formulation.
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