Nutraceuticals, heath food products and supplements are often presented as tablets to the consumer. These formulations can have their own unique challenges which would benefit from better compression understanding. This is we can Merlin can help.
Merlin has worked with customers in the Nutraceutical industry.
Nutraceuticals, heath food products and supplements are often presented as tablets to the consumer. These formulations can have their own unique challenges which would benefit from better compression understanding. This is we can Merlin can help.
Nutraceuticals are less regulated than pharmaceutical tablets, but this does not mean they are simpler to manufacture.
Natural products by their very nature fluctuate depending upon growing conditions and regional variations. This can lead to problems with standardised production processes. We can help you to understand the effect that batch properties of key ingredients have on manufacturability.
Natural materials can have properties challenging for tabletting for example: fibrous, uneven, high moisture content; oily; waxy; etc. We carry out formulation assessments and can check on a small sample if the formulation is capable of being compressed on a full-scale tablet press.
Multiple actives can cause complications – we can put the science into the decision making process.
A more reliable process will lead to less wastage and better profitability.
Merlin can characterise the compactibility of your formulations to assess what problems may be encountered during manufacture. By changing the experimental design, punch profile, compression speed, tooling etc. it is possible to build up a picture of the likely risks to development e.g.: poor strength, high ejection forces, sticking, lamination potential and capping.
Or you can call us on +44(0)1384 900 265
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